Browsing by Author Shirgoska, Biljana

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
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Anticholinergic syndromeShirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane 2015Article
Cochlear Implantation – Anesthesia ChallengesSHirgoska, Biljana ; Dokoska, Marija ; Kikerkov, Igor Oct-2023Proceeding article
Comparative analysis of effect of metoprolol and remifentanyl on mean arterial pressure in general anaesthesiaKraleva, Silvana; Shirgoska, Biljana 2017Article
Comparative effect of isoflurane and sevoflurane on plasma level of NOSHirgoska, Biljana Jun-2006Article
Comparison of adductor canal block with femoral nerve block in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionMalinovska-Nikolovska, Liljana; Shirgoska, Biljana 2018Article
Correlation between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and brain saturation (RSO2) in patients undergoing moderate hypotensive anesthesia for septo- and rhinoplastic surgeryKraleva, Silvana; Shirgoska, Biljana ; Trajkova, Radmila; Klisheska Ilcevska, Ivana2019Article
Endotracheal intubation in morbid obese patients with obstructive sleep apneaShirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane 2017Article
Fast track surgery protocol for total joint arthroplastMalinovska Nikolovska L; Manoleva M ; Shirgoska B 2019Article
Fungal rhinosinusitisNetkovski, Jane ; SHirgoska, Biljana 2012Article
Guidelines and recommendations of cardiovascular therapy for patients who undergo non cardiac surgeryMalinovska-Nikolovska, Liljana; Shirgoska, Biljana ; Shosholcheva, Mirjana 2017Article
The impact of functional endoscopic sinus surgery on symptoms in chronic rhinosinusitisJ Netkovski ; B Sirgovska 2006Article
The influence of remifentanil and remifentanil-plus-sevoflurane-controlled hypotension on mean arterial pressure and heart rate in childrenSHirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane ; Zafirova, Beti 2012Article
Invasive Fungal sinusitis in post COVID-19 patient with multiple comorbidities - case reportMarolov, Marjan ; SHirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane 1-Jun-2022Proceeding article
Kорелација помеѓу средниот артериски притисок (МАР) и мозочната сатурација (rSO2) кај пациенти подложени на хипотензивна општа анестезија при септо- и ринопластикаKraleva, Silvana; SHirgoska, Biljana ; Trajkova, Radmila; Klisevska Ilcevska, Ivana6-Apr-2019Article
Level of nitric oxide in hypertensive patients scheduled on general anaesthesiaSHirgoska, Biljana ; Trajkovska, T; Soljakova, M; Simjanovska, L; Isijanovska, R; Netkovski, Jane ; Efremov, G DAug-2005Article
New techniques and devices for difficult airway managementShirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane Sep-2012Article
Predicting difficult airway in apparently normal adult and pediatric patientsSHirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane 2013Article
Safe oxygen risk categorization saves difficult airway patients livesSHirgoska, Biljana ; Netkovski, Jane Oct-2017Article
Sinonasal microbiota in patients with chronic rhinosinusitisJane Netkovski ; SHirgoska, Biljana ; Vesna Kotevska 2018Article
The three revolutions in airway management = letter to the editorShirgoska, Biljana 2023Other