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dc.contributor.authorDonev, Dejanen_US
dc.identifier.citationDonev D. Ethical dimensions of (journalistic) representations and reporting of The other. In: Digitalne medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promene. Odsek za medijske studije, Filozofski fakultet. Novi Sad, 2011: 279-290en_US
dc.descriptionEdicija Medijska istraživanja, Zbornik radova III - Digitalne medijske tehnologije i društveno-obrazovne promeneen_US
dc.description.abstractWherever a man turns, he sees people. A man lives among people, surrounded by people, with people. In modern era, we learned seeing “the other” with opened eyes and heart. In this, we got a lot of help from existentialists and also from the philosophers who defended ethics as the first philosophy, like for example Emmanuel Levinas. However, from that sum of people, some are really close to us even often they are not our relatives, or more important not part of our family, not friends in classical way of thinking, not even working together…, but still for us very close people - and those are our neighbors. The communication between neighbors is specifically characterized with, above all, the ethical dimension that is contained in it, e.g. the ethical values, goals and standards which are included in it, and which are defined from the essentiality and the meaning of the neighborhood as a social and anthropological relation. From here, the phenomenology of the neighborhood is really interesting for exploring. It’s about the personal quality of “the other” as a neighbor which results with the intimacy among people and with specialized relations between them. In the cognition of the same, very specific role has the media, which have the key role and responsibilities for spreading and promoting those important values and relationships that are initial and essential for building and constructing of a real democratic society. The way they do the same within Macedonian society, trying to reflect the differences, as well as the presence of the difference within their own media structure and journalistic contents that they are placing, is the theme that author deals in this text.en_US
dc.publisherOdsek za medijske studije, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Saden_US
dc.relationMedijska istraživanja III 47020, Ministarstvo obrazovanja i nauke Republike Srbijeen_US
dc.subjectEthics of The Other, media, ethical journalism, neighbors, phenomenology of the neighborhood, relationships, real democratic societyen_US
dc.titleEthical dimensions of (journalistic) representations and reporting of The otheren_US
dc.title.alternativeЕтичките димензии на (новинарското) претставување и известување за другиотen_US
dc.typeProceeding articleen_US
dc.relation.conferenceBRIDGES OF MEDIA EDUCATION 2011 July 16–17, 2011 Novi Sad, Serbiaen_US
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextopen- of Philosophy-
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