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Наслов: Type 2 diabetes in young adults, can we do more for them? – case presentation
Authors: Trajkovska Ivana
Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela 
Hasan Taner
Keywords: lifestyle
Type 2 diabetes
young adults
Issue Date: 19-јан-2021
Publisher: De Gruyter Open Ltd.
Source: 4. Trajkovska I, Buklioska Ilievska D, Hasan T. Type 2 diabetes in young adults, can we do more for them? – case presentation. Rom J Diabetes Nutr Metab Dis 2021; volume 28, issue 1, pages 116-120.
Journal: Romanian Journal of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases
Abstract: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), once considered a disease of old age, now occurs not uncommonly in children and young adults. Youth-onset type 2 diabetes is on the rise, and trends in childhood obesity only partially explain the recent appearance of a condi-tion that was previously confined to adults. The difficulty in T2DM in young adults highlights the critical need to promote healthy lifestyle to prevent or postpone the development of T2DM in those at risk. For individuals with early onset T2DM, glycemic con-trol must be carefully monitored and treated. We reported here a case that provides a successful management and treatment of the use of metformin, liraglutide, and most important lifestyle modifications to reduce body weight in young obese patient with poorly controlled and new diagnosed T2DM.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/18475
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46389/rjd-2021-1018
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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