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Title: Познавањето и рационалноста во спорот помеѓу св. Григориј Палама и Варлаам
Other Titles: Религија: зборник на трудови од Осмиот меѓународен симпозиум за византиски и средновековни студии „Денови на Јустинијан I“, Скопје, 13-14.11.2020, Уредник Митко Б. Панов, Институт за национална историја, Скопје, 2021
Authors: Micevski-Ignat Ilche
Keywords: St. Gregory Palamas, knowledge of God, rationality,
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Институт за национална историја, Скопје
Source: Илче Мицевски-Игнат, „Познавањето и рационалноста во спорот помеѓу св. Григориј Палама и Варлаам“, во Религија, Зборник на трудови од Осмиот меѓународен симпозиум за византиски и средновековни студии „Денови на Јустинијан I“, Скопје, 13-14.11.2020, Уредник Митко Б. Панов, Институт за национална историја, Скопје, 2021, стр. 105-117
Conference: Осмиот меѓународен симпозиум за византиски и средновековни студии „Денови на Јустинијан I“, Скопје, 13-14.11.2020
Abstract: The dispute between St. Gregory Palamas and Barlaam underlines the differences that existed in their time regarding the knowledge of God and the confession of Truth. On the one hand, St. Gregory Palamas stands firmly on the side of the centuries-old tradition of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, who claims that truth is founded and validated through the spiritual church experience. On the other side stands Barlaam, for whom knowledge and truth are sensitive things and can be known through reason and logic. Their dispute is still very relevant today in the dialogue between science and theology, where there are differences in the interpretation of the concepts of reason, truth and knowledge. As then (in the fourteenth century), so today opinions are divided and there are more or less convergences and divergences. Can the dispute between St. Gregory Palamas and Barlaam serve as model in the modern dialogue of theology with other sciences? How can this debate helps us to seek the truth? We believe that the dispute between St. Gregory Palamas and Barlaam of Calabria contains enough arguments that will help us to understand the knowledge of God and the knowledge of rationality from an Orthodox Christian perspective.
ISBN: 978-608-4981-00-8
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Conference papers

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