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Title: The Beer Brands on the Macedonian Market: How are they perceived?
Authors: Ciunova-shuleska, Anita 
Keywords: positioning, positioning map, beer, perceived position
Issue Date: 2009
Source: Ciunova-Shuleska, A., 2009. The Beer Brands On The Macedonian Market: How Are They Perceived?. Revista tinerilor economişti, (12), pp.97-104.
Journal: Revista tinerilor economişti
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the perceived position of the beer brands (domestic and foreign) on the Macedonian market. There are lots of beer brands offered on the Macedonian market which indicates that the competition is quite big. The competition is especially fierce among few of them because respondents have very similar perceptions about those brands. To have knowledge about the perceived position that product holds is crucial for the company because it is very important the perceived position to be identical with the desired position, otherwise (if the perceived position is worse than the planned) the company must involve itself in the activities of repositioning.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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