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Authors: Dokoska, Marija 
Duma-Vasovka ,Irena
Davcheva chakar, Marina 
Netkovski, Jane 
Keywords: cochlear implantation
vestibular therapy
Issue Date: 31-Aug-2020
Publisher: SHMSHM / AAMD
Source: Dokoska M.; Duma - VasovskaI.; Davcheva–Chakar M.; Netkovski J. COCHLEAR IMPLANTATION AND VERTIGO- A CASE REPORT. Medicus 2020, Vol. 25 (2): 286-288
Journal: MEDICUS
Abstract: ABSTRACT Introduction: Cochlear implantation (CI ) is a standard of care for the patients with moderate to severe sensorineural hearing loss in the past more than 20 years. Postoperative vertigo it’s one of the well-known complications and has a considerable impact of patient life. Children really suffer from this complication, usually in milder form and almost never long-term vertigo. The aim of presenting this case is to pint out the need to examine the vestibular function in each patient preoperatively. Case report: A 9-year-old child, with recurrent episodes of vertigo appearing for the first time 6 years after the implantation. Vestibular assessment function was done with caloric irrigation bitermal test that showed asymmetry between two labyrinths. Romberg showed deviation on the right side. Haed impuls test was positive on the right side and Dix –Hallpike’s maneuver test was negative. There was no neurological signs and symptoms. Every next episode of vertigo was milder than the previous one and he well responded to standard vestibular therapy with Beathistine or Sulpiride. Vertigo did not affect implant performance, Conclusion: Patients which are candidates for CI it’s necessary to be informed about possibility and quality of postoperative vertigo. Implementing a protocol for preoperatively evaluation of the vestibular function of specially designed questionnaires and objective tests for assessment of the vestibular function should be standard procedure for each patient who is candidate for CI.
ISSN: ISSN 1409-6366
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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