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dc.contributor.authorСолунчев, Ристоen_US
dc.identifier.citationСолунчев, Ристо. (2020). “Оптимизмот на Човекот и песимизмот на Натчовекот: Критичко испитување на трансхуманизмот во философската перпсектива на Св. Максим исповедник“, Context No. 21, Institute for Macedonian literature, Skopje.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to create some philosophical synchronous machine. Philosophy needs to play with contexts, times, and vocabularies in order to generate new possibilities for the discourse. The basic philosophical stipulations of the transhumanism were put into a discussion with the ideas of one Christian philosopher of the late 6th and early 7th century just to clarify that the trans-humanism, in its philosophical explication, has no serious philosophical substance. Furthermore, the concepts of St. Maximus can enhance the philosophical clarity and logical nuances of the trans-humanism. St. Maximus uses the conceptual triad to explain the relation within the Triadology: Logos of the essence, Tropos of the being and Hypostasis of the existence. Moreover, he also maintains that the dynamism of the world’s ontology is shaped by Logoi of the world. Every logos has its own tropos, and hence, it has infinite possibilities for hypostases that confirm the tropic factuality and efficiency of the logos. Nietzsche and the trans-humanists overlook the difference between the Logos and Hypostasis, and they misconceive the concepts of the ontological and the ontic level of the reality. Trans-humanism is possible only on the level of hypostasis due to the very dynamical tropos of the human logos. Hence, trans-humanism is logically consistent not as trans-essential but as trans-hypostatical, and from this point of view, the concept of Overhuman is just an artistic metaphor.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute for Macedonian Literature, Skopjeen_US
dc.relation.ispartofContext, Institute for Macedonian Literature, Skopjeen_US
dc.subjectTranshumanism, transgression, St. Maximus the Confessor, ontology, Logos, Tropos, Hypostasis, over-human.en_US
dc.titleОптимизмот на Човекот и песимизмот на Натчовекот: Критичко испитување на трансхуманизмот во философската перспектива на Св. Максим Исповедникen_US
dc.title.alternativeHuman Optimism and Over-human pessimism: A Critical Inquiry of Transhumanism through the Philosophical Perspective of St. Maximus the Confessoren_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextopen- of Philosophy-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија
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