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Наслов: Application of Machine Learning in DES Cryptanalysis
Authors: Andonov, Stefan 
Dobreva, Jovana
Lumburovska, Lina
Pavlov, Stefan
Dimitrova, Vesna 
Popovska Mitrovikj, Aleksandra 
Keywords: Machine learning, DES, Cryptanalysis, Neural networks, Datasets
Issue Date: 24-сеп-2020
Series/Report no.: ISSN 1857-7288;
Conference: ICT Innovations 2020
Abstract: The usage of machine learning is expanding over all scientific fields and this branch is becoming more and more popular in the last years. In this paper we consider application of machine learning in the cryptanalysis, precisely in cryptanalysis of DES algorithm. This algorithm works in 16 rounds and we make two analyses: one for only one round and one for all rounds. We use different datasets and specific neural network for each analysis. We present results from several experiments for different datasets and different keys. Furthermore, we analyze and compare the obtained results, where we provide visual and textual presentation and we derive some conclusions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9489
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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