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Celakoska, Emilija
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 1.026 seconds).

PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
1Complex equations of motion for a body under gravitational influence by using a nine-parameter space–time bundle with the structural group SO(3,C)Trenčevski, Kostadin; Celakoska, Emilija Aug-2018Article
2Conditions on nonlinearity of oscillatory equations inducing the periapsidal precessionCelakoska, Emilija ; Lazarevska, Ana 19-May-2019Article
3Coverings by n-cubes and the Gauss–Bonnet theoremCelakoska, Emilija ; Trencevski, KostadinAug-2018Article
4Induced spin velocity of the Earth and its influence on the seasonal variation of the Earth’s angular velocityTrenčevski, Kostadin; Celakoska, Emilija 2-Jun-2020Journal Article
5Induced spin velocity of the Earth and its influence to the seasonal variation of the Earth's angular velocityTrencevski, Kostadin; Celakoska, Emilija 2-Jun-2020Article
6Mathematical terminology-on the names of fractions in Macedonian language.pdf.jpgMathematical terminology: On the names of fractions in the Macedonian languageCelakoska-Jordanova, Vesna; Celakoska, Emilija 2016Article
7The names of foreign mathematicians in Macedonian.pdf.jpgThe names of foreign mathematicians in MacedonianCelakoska-Jordanova, Vesna; Celakoska, Emilija 2016Article
8On Complex Homogeneous Space of Vectors with ConstraintsCelakoska, Emilija ; null, null; Hadzieva, Elena ; Celakoska-Jordanova, Vesna2017Article
9IJAMR-7617.pdf.jpgOn the Nordtvedt effect in Minkowski spacetime with nonlinear connectionTrenčevski, Kostadin; Celakoska, Emilija 6-Nov-2017Article