Full Name
Blinkov, Ivan
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Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
1Reforestation in Macedonia: History, current practice and future perspectivesKolevska, Dana Dina; Blinkov, Ivan ; Trajkov, Pande ; Maletić, Vladimir1-Jul-2017Article
2Soil erosion rates in two successive reservoir catchments: Spilje and Globocica reservoirMinchev, Ivan ; Trendafilov, Aleksandar ; Blinkov, Ivan ; Ivanoski, Dragan 2017Article
3forest_review_49_1_3.pdf.jpgUse of modern geomatic techniques for creating and updating a green cadastre of urban trees and shrubs: a case study of Kumanovo city river bankMihajlovski, Bojan; Minchev, Ivan ; Blinkov, Ivan ; Simovski, Bojan 2018Journal Article