Mishev, Anastas
Full Name
Mishev, Anastas
Vernacular Name
Мишев, Анастас
Misev, Anastas
Misev, A.
Mishev, A.
Misev, A.
Mishev, A.
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID

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- 2 open science
- 2 Software quality
- 1 -theoretical vibrational spectroscopy; highperformance computing; computational modelling; drugs; density functional theory
- 1 5G mobile communication
- 1 Agile software testing, large-scale software project, agile software development
- 1 Automated Network Provisioning, Automated Service Delivery, Cloud Infrastructure Services Provisioning, Network as a Service, Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP).
- 1 blockchain, health-related data, health information exchange, health insurance, decentralization
- 1 blockchain; big data; digital property; privacy; smart contracts; internet of things; healthcare
- 1 Cloud Computing
- 1 cloud computing, IPv6, Kubernetes, containers, overlay networks
- next >
Date issued
- 42 With Fulltext
- 14 No Fulltext
Results 1-20 of 56 (Search time: 0.24 seconds).
Preview | Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | Type | |
1 | Agile Software Testing Technologies in a Large Scale Project | Koteska, Bojana ; Mishev, Anastas | 2012 | Proceeding article | |
2 | Analytical description of the nonlinear dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates by means of genetic algorithms | Carina Raportaru, Mihaela; Jovanovski, Jane; Jakimovski, Boro ; Jakimovski, Dragan ; Mishev, Anastas | 2015 | Journal Article | |
3 | Assessing Quality Requirements for Onboarding Web Services to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): A Case Study of the Gaussian API | Misheva, Despina; Stojcheva, Marija; Bosheva, Mia; Koteska, Bojana ; Pejov, LJupcho ; Mishev, Anastas | 14-Dec-2023 | Proceeding article | |
4 | Average Vibrational Potentials of Oscillators in Condensed-matter Environments using Hadoop | Koteska, Bojana ; Pejov, LJupcho ; Mishev, Anastas | 2014 | Proceeding article | |
5 | B2B Platform for Education Centre integration | Ajanovski, Vangel ; Kon-Popovska, Margita; Mishev, Anastas | 2002 | Proceeding article | |
6 | Blockchain Implementation Quality Challenges: A Literature Review | Koteska, Bojana ; Karafiloski, Elena; Mishev, Anastas | 2017 | Proceeding article | |
7 | Blockchain solutions for big data challenges: A literature review | Karafiloski, Elena; Mishev, Anastas | 6-Jul-2017 | Proceeding article | |
8 | Building Scientific Workflows on the Grid: A Comparison between OpenMole and Taverna | Koteska, Bojana ; Jakimovski, Boro ; Mishev, Anastas | 2014 | Proceeding article | |
9 | Community-based VM placement framework | Filiposka, Sonja ; Mishev, Anastas ; Juiz, Carlos | 23-Oct-2015 | Article | |
10 | Comparative Study of Two Approaches for Solving the Torsional Schrödinger Equation: Fourier Grid Hamiltonian Method and Hamiltonian Diagonalization Method | Koteska, Bojana ; Mishev, Anastas ; Pejov, LJupcho | 2015 | Proceeding article | |
11 | A Comparison of Data FAIRness Evaluation Tools | Slamkov, Dejan; Stojanov, Venko; Koteska, Bojana ; Mishev, Anastas | Oct-2022 | Proceeding article | |
12 | Computational study of intramolecular oh stretching vibrations in the two rotamers of free formic acid | Koteska, Bojana ; Mishev, Anastas ; Pejov, Ljupco | 2018 | Article | |
13 | Computational Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrophilic Drug Irinotecan | Koteska, Bojana ; Mishev, Anastas ; Pejov, Ljupco; Simonoska Crcarevska, Maja; Glavas Dodov, Marija; Tonic Ribarska, Jasmina | 2016 | Proceeding article | |
14 | Current prospects towards energy-efficient top HPC systems | Filiposka, Sonja ; Mishev, Anastas ; Juiz, Carlos | 2016 | Article | |
15 | Cybersecurity Training Platforms Assessment | Kjorveziroski, Vojdan ; Mishev, Anastas ; Filiposka, Sonja | 30-Oct-2020 | Article | |
16 | Designing a Paas Solution for Large Scale Deployment of Student Projects | Kjorveziroski, Vojdan ; Filiposka, Sonja ; Mishev, Anastas ; Jakimovski, Boro | Nov-2018 | Article | |
17 | Dynamic Resource Management of Real-Time Edge Services for Intelligent Vehicular Networks: A Case Study | Gilly, Katja; Filiposka, Sonja ; Alcaraz Carrasco, Salvador; Mishev, Anastas | 7-Aug-2019 | Journal Article | |
18 | Dynamic versus Static Approach to Theoretical Anharmonic Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecular Species Elevant to Atmospheric Chemistry: A Case Study of Formic Acid | Koteska, Bojana ; Manevska, Verce; Mishev, Anastas ; Pejov, Ljupco | 10-May-2018 | Article | |
19 | Evaluating IPv6 Support in Kubernetes | Kjorveziroski, Vojdan ; Mishev, Anastas ; Filiposka, Sonja | 23-Nov-2021 | Article | |
20 | Evaluating WebAssembly for Orchestrated Deployment of Serverless Functions | Kjorveziroski, Vojdan ; Filiposka, Sonja ; Mishev, Anastas | Dec-2022 | Article |