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Наслов: Approach/avoidance personality traits as predictors of psychopathology in convicted offenders
Authors: Naumova, Katerina 
Kitkanj, Zoran 
Keywords: Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, approach/avoidance traits, psychopathology
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: National Library of Serbia
Source: Naumova, K., & Kitkanj, Z. (2018). Approach/Avoidance personality traits as predictors of psychopathology in convicted offenders. Psihologija. Advance online publication. doi: https://doi.org/10.2298/ PSI180130030N
Journal: Psihologija
Abstract: This study examined the role of approach and avoidance personality traits as temperamental risk factors for psychopathology using the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory as theoretical framework. Self-report measures were administered to male convicted offenders (N = 162) and controls matched for age, education, and ethnicity (N = 162). The results show higher approach and passive avoidance tendencies in the forensic sample, as well as higher psychological distress relative to controls. In the forensic sample, both approach and avoidance traits can account for a high degree of psychopathology vulnerability. However, higher behavioral inhibition system sensitivity is the primary risk factor both for general distress and various dimensions of psychopathology, while lower behavioral approach system sensitivity predicts internalizing psychopathology, paranoid, and psychoticism symptoms. The findings are discussed both in the general context of personality-psychopathology links, as well as in the forensic context of potential mental health interventions as part of rehabilitation prison programs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1308
DOI: 10.2298/psi180130030n
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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