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Наслов: Regression analysis of variables for of situational-motoric knowledge with motoric abilities among female volleyball players in Republic of Macedonia
Authors: Misovski, Andrijana 
Milenkovski, Joshko 
Nedelkovski, Vlatko 
Vuksanovikj, Vladimir 
Nejic, K
Keywords: female,
volleyball players,
motor abilities
Issue Date: јун-2016
Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health
Journal: Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health
Conference: 2nd International Scientific Conference, Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health
Abstract: The research is conducted in order to determine the relation and influence of the variables of motoric space (independent variables) on the variables that define personal situational-motoric knowledge (variables as criteria) among female volleyball players in Republic of Macedonia; linear regression analysis applied. There are 8 variables for assessment of motoric abilities which are applied, as well as 4 variables for assessment of situational-motoric knowledge. The achieved results showed that the system of independent variables has statistically significant influence on the following criteria: DPR_4, OPLL.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14365
ISBN: 978-9989-2850-6-6
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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