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Наслов: Tendencies in the achieving of explosive strength in first-year students at the FPE for a period of 25 years
Authors: Jovanovski, Jovan 
Vuksanovikj, Vladimir 
Keywords: Stading long jump,
students, 25 years,
trend norm,
Faculty of Physical Education
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health
Journal: Research in Physical Education Sport and Health
Abstract: In order to determine the tendencies in terms of FPE’s first year students’ achievements for the generations from 1988 to 2013, a research was carried out on the explosive strength tendencies assessed by using the standing long jump. For that purpose, the results from the student records for the anthropomotorics course were used. The total number of examinees covered with the analysis was 1459 students from the Faculty of Physical Education. The examinees were tested at the beginning of each student year (in first semester), for a 25 years period. The norm from the practical part of the exam in the anthropomotorics course (240 cm) was taken as critical measure in terms of students’ achievements. Basic statistical parameters and trend analysis were applied for data analysis. A negative (downward) trend of achievements of the examinees for a 25 years period was determined. It generally means that the examinees of the newer generations show smaller abilities regarding the leg explosive strength. Authors’ recommendation is to seek the possible causes in the specifics of each generation separately, as well as to select the candidates for enrolment in the studies at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje. Such tendency, of course, is partly a characteristic of the current potential of each generation, conditioned with genetic determination; whereas in the other part, it is possibly connected with the insufficient exploitation of the moving capacity for this basic movement form (training, sport, recreation and everyday movement activity).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14373
ISSN: 1857-8152
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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