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Наслов: Strength exercise for football #2 – explosive strength (definition, exercises, tests)
Other Titles: Вежби за силина во фудбалот #2 – експлозивна силина (дефиниција, вежби, тестирање)
Authors: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir 
Aceski, Aleksandar 
Tasevski Zikica
Keywords: explosive strength,
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health, Skopje
Проект: Book - Football Fitness Training- Vuksanovikj
Journal: Kondicija Journal
Abstract: Explosive strength is a motor ability which combine manifestation of power and speed in very short intervals of time. Also, it is an ability to activate maximal number of motor units in as much as short period of time. In this kind of activities maximal energy consumption is needed, in one particular movement. Training for explosive strength can be presented as a jumps or throws. Methods in which the starting level for jumps is subject to change, can be done as well, (elevated jumps on different level, by lending up or down) Assessment of explosive strength can be done by: vertical/horizontal jump test, Optojump platform..ect.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14383
ISSN: 1857 - 9620
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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