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Наслов: | Variation in GP decisions on antihypertensive treatment in oldest-old and frail individuals across 29 countries | Authors: | Streit, Sven Verschoor, Marjolein Rodondi, Nicolas Bonfim, Daiana Burman, Robert A Collins, Claire Gerasimovska Kitanovska Biljana Gintere, Sandra Gómez Bravo, Raquel Hoffmann, Kathryn Iftode, Claudia Johansen, Kasper L Kerse, Ngaire Koskela, Tuomas H Peštić, Sanda Kreitmayer Kurpas, Donata Mallen, Christian D Maisoneuve, Hubert Merlo, Christoph Mueller, Yolanda Muth, Christiane Šter, Marija Petek Petrazzuoli, Ferdinando Rosemann, Thomas Sattler, Martin Švadlenková, Zuzana Tatsioni, Athina Thulesius, Hans Tkachenko, Victoria Torzsa, Peter Tsopra, Rosy Canan, Tuz Viegas, Rita P A Vinker, Shlomo de Waal, Margot W M Zeller, Andreas Gussekloo, Jacobijn Poortvliet, Rosalinde K E |
Issue Date: | 2017 | Publisher: | BMC Part of Springer Nature | Journal: | BMC Geriatrics | Abstract: | In oldest-old patients (>80), few trials showed efficacy of treating hypertension and they included mostly the healthiest elderly. The resulting lack of knowledge has led to inconsistent guidelines, mainly based on systolic blood pressure (SBP), cardiovascular disease (CVD) but not on frailty despite the high prevalence in oldest-old. This may lead to variation how General Practitioners (GPs) treat hypertension. Our aim was to investigate treatment variation of GPs in oldest-olds across countries and to identify the role of frailty in that decision. | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15118 | DOI: | 10.1186/s12877-017-0486-4 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles |
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