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Наслов: A case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children presenting as acute appendicitis and pancreatitis.
Authors: Kareva, Lidija 
Stavrikj, Katarina 
Mironska, Kristina 
Hasani, Arjeta
Bojadjieva, Sonja 
Cokleska Shuntov, Natalija
Keywords: COVID-19
Issue Date: окт-2021
Publisher: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Journal: Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki) 
Abstract: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) is characterized by an inflammation with fever, elevated inflammatory markers, conjunctivitis, rash, impaired coagulation, gastrointestinal symptoms and cardiac abnormalities that may progress to multiorgan failure. The presence of a positive COVID-19 antigen via a PCR test, serological testing for antibodies or close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 helps differentiate MIS-C from other diseases. Gastrointestinal symptoms are recognized to be associated with COVID-19 infection or MIS-C in children, presenting as abdominal pain, gastrointestinal infection with watery stools, appendicitis, ileitis, pancreatitis and hepatitis, confusing the diagnosis with other gastrointestinal diseases. In this case report, we describe an 11 year old boy with MIS-C, who presents acute phlegmona of the ap pendix for which he undergoes appendectomy, accompanied with acute pancreatitis. These manifestations of MIS-C in our patient resolved without additional complications after a 2 month follow up. We call attention to MIS-C presenting in pediatric patients with fever and abdominal pain which might be caused by appendicitis and pancreatitis, and we recommend abdominal imaging and additional laboratory investigation to promote earlier diagnosis
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15317
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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