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Наслов: Can Solidarity Globalize? Utopia is Possible
Other Titles: Может ли солидарность стать глобальной? Утопия возможнa
Authors: Vankovska, Biljana 
Keywords: global solidarity, international order, utopia
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Издательство «Наука сегодня»
Source: B. Vankovska, 2021, Can Solidarity Globalize? Utopia is Possible, «Вопросы политологии». Том 11. № 10 (74)
Journal: Вопросы политологии
Abstract: The article deals with a question of critical consequence for human survival spelled out as: can solidarity globalize? Between the two poles of optimists and pessimists, there is one that deserves particular attention: the case for possible-ism. In the view of this standpoint, which has been inspired by the work of Richard Falk, there is a possibility to globalize human solidarity, which does not necessarily imply probability it would happen. The author discusses (im)possibility of realization of the global solidarity idea, which has been particularly stressed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, etc. The main argument is that the current state of affairs, which looks rather gloomy in terms of a harmonious and cooperative international system, is not predetermined. It is a construct rather than a result of any ‘natural law’. Furthermore, the history offers episodes that prove that human solidarity is not only possible, but also workable option for a societal, regional and international realm. The unyielding scepticism does not arise from any critical acumen. Contemporary expressions of human particularism have been cherished intentionally, in order to preserve the status quo where there is socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15381
DOI: 10.35775/PSI.2021.74.10.014
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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