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Наслов: Entrepreneurial marketing management: the new paradigm
Authors: Majovski, Irina 
Davitkovska, Elena 
Keywords: entrepreneurial marketing
entrepreneurial orientation
marketing orientation
Issue Date: јул-2017
Publisher: Institute of Economics - Skopje
Journal: Economic Development, Year.19, No.1-2/2017
Abstract: Entrepreneurial marketing is considered to be the new paradigm of entrepreneurial ventures that operate in highly dynamic context with rather limited resources. As an interface of entrepreneurship and marketing, it refers to several underlying dimensions of entrepreneurial firms as pro activeness, opportunity-focus, risk taking, innovativeness, customer focus, value creation and resource leveraging. Although initially emerged as marketing approach in entrepreneurial firms that operate in competitive business environment, it should also be considered by firms that incorporate entrepreneurial orientation into their firm-level strategy. Prior research on entrepreneurial marketing supports its positive effects on firms’ performance, documenting the importance of entrepreneurial and marketing orientation especially for small and medium-sized firms.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15423
Appears in Collections:Institute of Economics: Journal Articles

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