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Наслов: | Music and arrangement: Ninje Otpushchaeshi (All-Night Vigil) | Other Titles: | Ninje Otpushchaeshi (All-Night Vigil) | Authors: | Janevska, Andrijana | Issue Date: | 27-јул-2017 | Publisher: | Andrijana Janevska | Опис: | „God and I“ is a cycle of 10 songs for voice, piano, violin and guitar. 1 and 0 – are everything and nothing, black and white, big and small, God and Man, life and death. Every song is going through the three stages. The first stage, the Birth or God image, is backed up by strict melody line and harmonic progression symbolizing the authority and awe. The divine light would be unseen and the glory not testified, and the goodness unnoticed, and everything else seen in the God’s nature would remain unseen, if there was not somebody who would enjoy it. And God made the man according to His own form. The life of the Man is shown in the second stage. It has the same bass line as in the first stage (Divine voice), while the melody line (the line of life with risings ups and falling downs) has been changed because of Man’s sins. The harmony in this stage in fact is the disharmony of life of the man without God. The counter punctuality in the canons represents the everlasting striving of the man to reach God. However, even in the middle of sufferings arising out of the Sin is revealing God’s love. The Earthly love is burning and is burning away. The Heaven’s love is burning and is never burning away. The Love has three hypostases: purity, revelation and holiness. Without purity the love is not filled with mercy, but earth selfishness and lust. Without revelation love is not wise, but ignorant. Without holiness love is not a strong, but weak. The third stage is the eternity, the zero, the cycle is cohesion between God and the Man, one unique whole which is in total harmony and synthesis. The Man is longing to reveal the highest Being and wishes Divine Eternity. Our Father, as the Lord’s prayer is the last in the cycle and represents the final joining of God and the Man, by the Man’s trust in God and in the eternal life. „That’s why you are love and there is no darkness in You. When I am joined with You by love, then the heaven and the earth are not existing – there is only God. Neither You and I exists – there is only God. Dear God, please honour me with love, in which you live and give life. Please honour me with your love and I will be released from all laws. Put Your love in me and the love will place me in You”. Composed and arranged by: Andrijana Janevska Performing: Nikolina Janevska - mezzo soprano Ivan Eminovikj - piano Andrijana Janevska - violin Dragan Ginovski - guitar Recorded in Ginovski music studio ginovski.com.mk Photo credit: Darko Hristov | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15913 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Music: Compositions |
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