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Наслов: Orient and Occident Encounters in Dimitrije Buzarovski’s Oratorio “Radomir’s Psalms”
Other Titles: Srečanja med Vzhodom in Zahodom v oratoriju »Radomirjevi psalmi« Dimitrija Buzarovskega
Authors: Jordanoska, Trena 
Keywords: Dimitrije Buzarovski, Radomir’s Psalms, oratorio, Orthodox chant
Issue Date: 3-апр-2015
Publisher: University of Ljubljana
Journal: Musicological Annual
Conference: Sacralization of the Profane and Profanation of the Sacred: Music as a Means and an Object (Glasba kot sredstvo in predmet v procesih sakralizacije profanega in profanacije sakralnega), The Fifth International Symposium of the Department of Musicology (Peti mednarodni simpozij Oddelka za muzikologijo), 5.-7. junij, Department of Musicology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana/ Oddelek za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Abstract: <jats:p>The oratorio Radomir’s Psalms op. 47 (1999) by Dimitrije Buzarovski addresses Orthodox chant in a Western tradition, embedding Eastern modal monodic sacred and folk tradition into Western polyphonic sacred and secular tonal forms. The work is also an example of the influence of the cultural environment upon shaping of the musical ideas. </jats:p>
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1592
DOI: 10.4312/mz.50.2.63-75
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Journal Articles

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