Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16601
Authors: Jakimovski, Dragan 
Raportaru, M.C.
Barandovski, Lambe 
Stojanov, Nace 
Keywords: electron capture
Issue Date: 2018
Related Publication: http://www.rrp.infim.ro/IP/2018/AN203.pdf
Abstract: The data files attached to this paper follows the information presented on the corresponding figures. Some of them contains additional data, regarding state energies and charge transfer sections to higher states, which were not presented in the published version of the paper due to page limitations.
Опис: Each data file is an ASCI text file with several lines of comments at their beginning with short explanation for columns, units, missing or otherwise unacceptable data, etc. The independent variable is usually put as the last column (as indicated in each file) and is understood by the expression "versus". For example "versus energy" means each line in the file contains results for different physical states and single value of the collisional energy (given number in the indicated column). The name of the file starts with a number, and short explanation of its content for an easy orientation. In the following we list them for convenience of the user file No. 1 : energies of H ion, versus screening parameter for selected states file No. 2 : energies of Li ion, versus screening parameter up to n=7 state file No. 3 : CX sections for E= 1 keV/u, versus screening parameter file No. 4 : CX sections for E= 7 keV/u, versus screening parameter file No. 5 : CX sections for E=50 keV/u, versus screening parameter file No. 6 : CX sections for D=2.5au screening parameter, versus energy file No. 7 : CX sections for D= 4 au screening parameter, versus energy file No. 8 : CX sections for D= 6 au screening parameter, versus energy file No. 9 : CX sections for D=12 au screening parameter, versus energy file No. 10 : CX sections for pure Coulomb case, versus energy All calculations were performed on HPC at FINKI, Skopje. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of people in charge of smooth running of the cluster and prof. B. Jakimovski, PhD in particular for helpful advise on many occasions. For further details regarding computations and data itself: dragan.jakimovski@gmail.com
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16601
Appears in Collections:UKIM 03: Datasets

Files in This Item:
File Опис SizeFormat 
1-energies-of-H-versus-screening-D.datenergies of H ion, versus screening parameter for selected states4.43 MBUnknownView/Open
2-energies-of-Li-versus-screening-D.datenergies of Li ion, versus screening parameter up to n=7 state2.15 MBUnknownView/Open
3-cx-sections-for-E-1kev-per-u-versus-D.datCX sections for E= 1 keV/u, versus screening parameter184.48 kBUnknownView/Open
4-cx-sections-for-E-7kev-per-u-versus-D.datCX sections for E= 7 keV/u, versus screening parameter199.09 kBUnknownView/Open
5-cx-sections-for-E-50kev-per-u-versus-D.datCX sections for E=50 keV/u, versus screening parameter192.49 kBUnknownView/Open
6-cx-sections-for-D-2.5-au-versus-E.datCX sections for D=2.5au screening parameter, versus energy66 kBUnknownView/Open
7-cx-sections-for-D-4-au-versus-E.datCX sections for D= 4 au screening parameter, versus energy67.28 kBUnknownView/Open
8-cx-sections-for-D-6-au-versus-E.datCX sections for D= 6 au screening parameter, versus energy67.28 kBUnknownView/Open
9-cx-sections-for-D-12-au-versus-E.datCX sections for D=12 au screening parameter, versus energy67.28 kBUnknownView/Open
10-cx-sections-for-pure-coulomb-case-versus-E.datCX sections for pure Coulomb case, versus energy67.28 kBUnknownView/Open
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