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Наслов: Distribution of killer cell immunoglobulinlike receptors in the Macedonian population
Authors: Eli Djulejic
Aleksandar Petlichkovski 
Dejan Trajkov 
Slavica Hristomanova 
Derek Middleton
Mirko Spiroski 
Issue Date: мар-2010
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Journal: Human Immunology
Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze killer immunoglobulinlike receptor (KIR) gene polymorphism in the Macedonian population. The study sample consists of 214 healthy unrelated individuals, aged 20-35 years. All individuals are of Macedonian origin and nationality, and residents of different geographic regions. The population genetics analysis package, Arlequin, was used for analysis of the data. We found that all 16 KIR genes were observed in the Macedonian population and framework genes KIR3DL3, KIR2DL4, and KIR3DL2 were present in all individuals. A total of 56 different KIR genotypes were found in the Macedonian population, based on the presence of 16 KIR genes. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree, constructed on the basis of standard genetic distances of KIR genes, shows that Macedonian population is in the same cluster with England West Midlands Indian Asian, Brazil SouthEast Caucasian, Romania Caucasians, Spain Basque, England West Midlands Caucasian, France Reunion, and Spain Granada populations. The frequency of KIR loci in Macedonian population shares several general features with other Caucasoid populations studied before.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1681
DOI: 10.1016/j.humimm.2009.12.001
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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