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Наслов: | Strengthening the Pre-Service Teacher Training System in a Multi-Ethnic Society | Authors: | Gulevska, Valentina Tasevska, Alma Jovanova Mitkovska, Snežana Ademi, Lulzim Makaševska, Vesna Ahmeti, Kustrim Brajović, Jelena |
Keywords: | multi-ethnic society, education, teachers, competencies, student practicum, informal education, project activities, evaluation, curriculum, educational policy | Issue Date: | 2018 | Publisher: | Credo, Ltd. | Source: | Gulevska V., Tasevska A., Mitkovska S. J., Ademi L., Makasevska V., Ahmeti K., Brajovikj J. Strengthening the Pre-Service Teacher Training System in a Multi-Ethnic Society. Rossiiskii psikhologicheskii zhurnal – Russian Psychological Journal, 2017, V. 14, no. 4, pp. 243–266 | Journal: | Российский психологический журнал | Abstract: | Introduction. The difference which nature has placed between one man and another is so wide. Also, the difference which comes by religion, cultural habits and similar elements in the human life can be further enlarged by education. During the last ten years, interethnic relations in Macedonian educational system become central topic for the activity of educational policy makers. In that line, the novelty of this research lies in the designing of student practicum by making cross-cultural contacts in the sphere of education. Methods. Macedonian government's programs and legal framework promote interethnic communication, but implementation of principles as respect, tolerance, and acceptance in the school life still is reduced only on using different languages of ethnic communities in teaching process. At the same time, appears the need to enhancing teachers' capacities for work in a multicultural environment and ensuring all children receive a high-quality education. Results. The results of the research show that informal education activities can encourage a thinking process as intellectual instrument for extermination prejudices related interethnic communication through the closer contact and interaction between the students, teachers and parents in the school environment. Discussion. It is certainly very difficult to set balancing between variety of behaviours, dictated by the presumed needs of specific cultures, religions and beliefs, but the classroom should be common home for all students and the teacher should know to manage such relationship. | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17504 | DOI: | 10.21702/rpj.2017.4.12 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија |
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