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Наслов: Competences of the educators for following and valuing early learning and development of children
Authors: Durchevska Georgieva, Gabriela
Tasevska, Alma 
Keywords: competences, educators, following, valuing, early learning and development
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
Source: Durchevska Georgieva, Gabriela , Tasevska, Alma (2019). Competences of the educators for following and valuing early learning and development of children , 14-th International Balkan Education and Science Congress: Quality in contemporary educational processes, Concepts, Strategies, Implementation, Evaluation.
Conference: 14th International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: Quality in Contemporary Educational Processes. Concepts, Strategies, Implementation, Evaluation
Abstract: In pedagogical theory and practice, there are different models of competences which educators should demonstrate for following and valuing the early learning and development of children. Competent educator knows the system for observation, assessment, documentation and valuing of the children’s learning and development and uses effective strategies in order to collect precise and useful information for every child. Valuing of the learning and development of the child is a process of collection, synthetizing and interpretation of the information for each child (individually), of the educational process, as well as of the learning and development conditions. Knowing the needs of the child, the educator will be able to help every child – the one who learns and improves harder and the one who moves fast in the learning and development process. For that aim, this paper specifically pays attention to the issue of the competences which the educator should demonstrate, related to knowing and using different approaches, procedures and instruments for following and valuing the learning and development of the child in the pre-school period.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17505
ISBN: ISBN-13-987-9989-823-71-8
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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