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Наслов: HDL IP Cores Search Engine based on Semantic Web Technologies
Authors: Zdraveski, Vladimir 
Jovanovik, Milosh 
Stojanov, Riste 
Trajanov, Dimitar 
Keywords: HDL, Semantic Web, VHDL, System on Chip, Components, Search, Composition
Issue Date: 12-сеп-2010
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Conference: International Conference on ICT Innovations
Abstract: A few years ago, the System on Chip idea grew largely and ‗flooded‘ the market of embedded systems. Many System on Chip designers started to write their own HDL components and made them available on the Internet. The idea of searching for a couple of pre-written cores and building your own System on Chip only by connecting them seemed time saving. We‘ve developed a system that enables a semantic description of VHDL IP components, allows search of specific components based on the unambiguous semantic description and works with prebuilt VHDL IP cores. We present an application built around the system and focus on the benefits the application user gains during the process of System on Chip design.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17650
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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