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Наслов: Automated Linked Data Generation from the Transport Administration Domain
Authors: Jovanovik, Milos
Trajanov, Dimitar 
Stojanov, Riste 
Najdenov, Bojan
Petkovski, Goran
Keywords: — Automated Systems, Linked Data, Open Data, Transport Administration Ontology, Swedish Transport Administration
Issue Date: 24-ное-2015
Publisher: IEEE
Conference: 23rd Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2015
Abstract: The Linked Data approach in data publishing allows the users and their data-driven applications to have broader use cases which encompass various data sources, either publicly available on the Web, or in private repositories. The use of W3C standards in publishing such data enables uniform access across platforms. Transport information today has higher importance to the citizens and society than ever and accessing the right information at the right time can improve the quality of everyday life for many people in the world. In this paper, we describe our approach of building a system for automated Linked Data generation from the transportation domain. We used the data from the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) as a specific case study. For the purpose of RDF annotation, we developed the Transport Administration Ontology (TAO). The resulting five-star data enables advanced use case scenarios over the original STA data, which we also demonstrate with our web application.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17652
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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