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Наслов: Почетокот и крајот на мудроста (Проп. 12,9-14)‎
Authors: Ѓоко Ѓорѓевски
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: ПБФ „Свети Климент Охридски“ - Скопје
Source: ‎„Почетокот и крајот на мудроста (Проп. 12,9-14)“, Зборник од ‎конференцијата International Conference, St. Sophia – “Wisdom has built her House” ‎‎(Pr 9,1), 11-13 October 2019, Ohrid – Struga, Православен богословски факултет ‎Скопје 2020, 133-156‎.
Conference: International Conference, St. Sophia – “Wisdom has built her House” (Pr 9,1), 11-13 ‎October 2019, Ohrid – Struga
Abstract: The Epilogue of the Book of Ecclesiastes is considered as a redactional addition with purpose of synthesising previously stated observations, in many ways different or contrary to traditional wisdom. In an attempt to give a clearer view of the book by analyzing the epilogue, particular attention is paid to the structure of the text.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/19458
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Conference papers

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