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Наслов: Molecular characterisation of rabies virus strains in the Republic of Macedonia
Authors: Picard-Meyer, Evelyne
Mrenoshki, Slavcho 
Milicevic, Vesna
Ilieva, Darinka
Cvetkovikj, Iskra 
Cvetkovikj, Aleksandar
Krstevski, Kiril 
Dzhadzhovski, Igor
Robardet, Emmanuelle
Gagnev, Emil
Iliev, Emil
Plavsic, Budimir
Kirandjiski, Toni
Cliquet, Florence
Issue Date: јан-2013
Publisher: Springer Nature
Journal: Archives of virology
Abstract: Rabies, a worldwide zoonosis, remains a public-health concern despite oral wildlife vaccination in Europe. After a ten-year break, Macedonia reported eight rabies cases in 2011-2012. Two countries (Serbia and Bulgaria) bordering Macedonia are reporting cases in domestic and wild animals. This report describes the genetic characterisation of eight isolates from Macedonia compared with representative samples from neighbouring countries. All of the isolates tested belong to the Eastern European group, with a high degree of nucleotide sequence identity in the nucleoprotein gene. The close genetic relationship between isolates from the three bordering countries suggests that wildlife is responsible for rabies movements in the region.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1945
DOI: 10.1007/s00705-012-1466-9
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Journal Articles

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