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Наслов: Biosensors technology in massive civil disasters
Authors: Madevska Bogdanova, Ana 
Simjanoska, Monika
Ackovska, Nevena 
Kostoska, Magdalena 
Koteska, Bojana 
Tashkoski, Martin
Issue Date: 9-јун-2016
Abstract: This paper presents a novel architecture for aiding the existing protocols for medical response to major incidents. The architecture includes biosensors technology with the purpose to fasten and ease the triage procedures in cases of massive disasters. Presented biosensors are portable and easy to be used, even by non-medical persons, e.g. volunteers. Incorporating this technology can support and improve the existing implementation of the life-saving protocols in terms of the communication drawbacks. Biomedical data can be collected and sent directly to the hospitals that are supposed to accept the injured persons.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/20617
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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