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Наслов: The Odyssey of Archbishop Gavril’s Translation of the Bible
Authors: Girevska, Marija 
Keywords: Bible, Macedonian translation, Archbishop Gavril, Old Testament, New Testament
Issue Date: 18-јул-2017
Publisher: George Fox University
Series/Report no.: Vol. 37, Issue 4;Article 9
Abstract: Translating the Bible is not an easy task in any language. Every translation of the Bible is a confirmation of the capacity of a language to convey the Bible’s manifold depths and meanings. The publication of the Macedonian Bible has been received as a historic event in Macedonia. Archbishop Gavril’s translation remains a unique pillar in the development of the Macedonian literary language. The entire process of the planning, translation, and printing of the complete Macedonian Bible encompassed a period of some 50 years. Drawing on these references, the article explores the impressive journey of Archbishop Gavril’s translation of the Bible into Macedonian as documented in his personal letters and correspondences.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/21509
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Journal Articles

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