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Наслов: Connecting Music Tradition and Contemporary Mass Media: The Macedonian Music Folklore on Internet
Other Titles: Povezivanje muzičke tradicije i savremenih masovnih medija: makedonski muzički folklor na Internetu
Authors: Dimitrijevski, Aleksandar 
Keywords: Macedonian music folklore
social networks
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Muzikološko Društvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Conference: 11. Međunarodni simpozij “Muzika u društvu”, Sarajevo, 25-27. oktobar 2018
Abstract: The Macedonian music folklore is a complex entity that has been presented on different levels of media presentation in the past. It is rich in segments which apply a variety of musical genres as a source of interpretation or simply as a musical background. In this context, it gained its newest form of media presentation through Internet and even more through the freeware servers and social networks. This phenomenon is one of the starting points of this paper. The paper will try to determine the basic segments and principles of presentation as well as the diversity of the Internet presented audiovisual examples of Macedonian music folklore.
Опис: 11th International Symposium “Music in Society”
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2176
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Conference papers

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