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Наслов: Health risk assessment of air pollution in Skopje
Authors: R. Pejchinovska 
Sh. Musa
V. Dobrosavljevikj
Lj. Kostadinovski
M. Gjetaj Jakovski
B. Dzikovska
Keywords: morbidity
polluted air
Issue Date: 2-ное-2017
Conference: Денови на превентивна медицина на Република Македонија 2017 со меѓународно учество
Abstract: Introduction: It is estimated that three million people die every year from air pollution, which indicates the importance of daily concentrations of substances that are deposited in ambient air as a consequence of stationary or mobile sources of pollution leading to the occurrence of non-specific respiratory disease. Aim: To show the health effects of air pollution in order to promote awareness of its reduction as a significant risk to the environment and human health. Review of pre-school and school age from non-specific respiratory diseases and reduction of the number of diseased children based on the performed monitoring of ambient air quality. Material and Methods: The data are obtained from the Annual Report prepared for the implementation of the National Annual Public Health Program for 2015 at the Public Health Center in Skopje, which monitors seasonal morbidity from non-specific respiratory diseases in pre-school (0-6) and school children (7-14), especially for town and village after the codes J00-J99 (non-specific respiratory diseases) with the exception of J10-J18 (influenza and pneumonia), the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) from the Annual reports that follow the quarterly air pollution and impact on human health for the period 2012-2016. Results: From the evaluation of the data, it can be concluded that the children from the village are less affected than the city, as well as the existence of a cyclic seasonal variation of morbidity. Conclusion: The assessment of the risk of hygienic air quality on the health of the exposed population in the case of pre-school and school children is done on the basis of the received data from the performed monitor, which points to a higher pollution rate in the city than in the village. It is necessary to monitor the air quality by monitoring the continuous measurement of the measuring points and taking a sample to determine the concentration of the air pollutant.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/22245
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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