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Наслов: | dbLearn*: Open-Source System and a Set of Practices for Conducting Iterative Exercises and Exams in a Databases Course | Authors: | Ajanovski, Vangel | Issue Date: | 6-окт-2021 | Publisher: | ACM | Проект: | SISng | Conference: | Proceedings of the 22st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education | Abstract: | The author's approach in teaching databases, focuses on acquiring competences needed to use and develop systems of realistic complexity, typical for a micro or small company. Each student works towards gaining experience with various database designs and implementations, querying and development of relational schemas, and building applications. An open-source system is introduced, intended to help teachers organize such courses at a scale, and effectively guide the students in an iterative process of acquiring competencies, at the level of smaller groups or even individuals. The main goal of the system is speed-up of administrative tasks at all levels. The system implements the core process of organizing exams in a partial and piece-wise manner, and implements sets of tools and practices for semi-automated assessment processes. | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/22983 | DOI: | 10.1145/3450329.3478317 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers |
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