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Authors: Cheleva, Vesna 
Keywords: pterygium
conjunctival autograft
Issue Date: 2004
Journal: Bulgarian Review of Ophthalmology
Abstract: Aim: To evaluate the success rates of surgical techniques for primary pterygium-pterygium excision with conjunctival autograft transplantation and pterygium excision with complete suture of conjunctiva without transplantation Methods: 75 cases with primary pterygium were prospectively reviewed. Outcome was evaluated in terms of recurrence of pterygia onto the cornea. The patients were divided into 2 groups: 40 eyes were operated with recurrence of pterygia onto the cornea. The patients were divided into 2 groups:40 eyes were operated with conjunctival autograft transplantation (20 cases by pterygium invades the cornea 3mm and 20 cases by pterygium invades the cornea 3mm and more).35 cases were operated by pterygium with complete suture of conjunctivae without transplantation (20 cases by pterygium invading the cornea 3mm and 15 cases by pterygium invading the corneae 3mm and more) Results:Mean follow up was 12 months (2-24 months) 4 out of 40 recur (10%) after the conjunctival autograft transplantation, while 14 of 35 cases recur (40%) after the pterygium excision with complete suture of conjunctiva without transplantation.One surgeon performed the surgery. Conclusion: Conjunctival autografts in pterygia have excellent efficacy against recurrence within the first year.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23380
ISSN: 1311-0624
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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