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Наслов: Clinically misdiagnosed Schwannoma of the medial plantar nerve of the foot (A case report)
Authors: Popovski N
Atanasov N
Gramatnikovski N 
Shabani I
Samardziski M
Keywords: metatarsalgia
medial plantar nerve
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Македонско друштво на ортопеди и трауматолози = Macedonian Association of Orhopedics and Traumatology
Source: Popovski N, Atanasov N, Gramatnikovski N, Shabani I, Samardziski M. Clinically misdiagnosed Schwannoma of the medial plantar nerve of the foot (A case report). Acta Ortopaedica et Traumatologica Macedonica 2017; 9: 47-49.
Journal: Македонски ортопедско-травматолошки гласник = Acta Ortopedica et Traumatologica Macedonica
Abstract: Metatarsalgia is a condition of the foot characterized with pain, numbness or burning feeling located in the forefoot or midfoot region. Metatarsalgia is often referred to as a symptom, rather than as a specific disease. Common causes of metatarsalgia include neuroma between the toes (also known as Morton’s neuroma), metatarsophalangeal synovitis, avascular necrosis, sesamoiditis, and inflammatory arthritis. Other conditions such as tarsal tunnel syndrome can also present with pain or numbness in the metatarsal region. We present a case of a patient with Schwannoma in atypical localization- at the medial plantar nerve of the foot causing severe metatarsalgia.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23668
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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