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Наслов: | PNEUMOTHORAX TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH EMPHYSEMATOUS LUNGi DISEASE WITH TWO DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES. | Authors: | Jakupi N Spirovski Z Dzikovski I Kokareva A Maric N Nikolov S Vela I Jordanov D Stevic M Jovanovski-Srceva M |
Keywords: | pneumotorax surgery treatment |
Issue Date: | 2017 | Publisher: | "Ss Cyril and Methodius"University, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, R. N. Macedonia, Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation | Abstract: | Objective: to compare the outcomes of thoracotomy and video-assisted thoracoscopic sur- gery (VATS) in the treatment of pneumothorax in patients with emphysematous lung disease. Заклучок: Според освртот врз литературата јасно е дека ларингоскопијата и интубацијата може да предизвикаат хемодинамиска нестабилност со појава на неспецифични варијации во ST-T сегментот. Тоа е несакан сучај на кој секогаш треба да се мисли, особено кај хипертензивните пациенти кои се третирани со RAS антагонистите, кои предизвикуваат значаен пад на артерискиот крвен притисок, кој е пак одговорен за коронарната вазоконстрикција и промените во големината на ST сегментот. Главните промени се случуваат 5 минути по интубацијата. Method and Material: in prospective study we analyzed the level of postoperative compli- cations, duration of drain presence, total drain collection, site infections, length of hospital stay (LOHS) and recurrence of pneumothorax in two groups of patients. Group OT (n=12) included patients undergoing open thoracotomy and group VATS (n=12) underwent VATS for primary pneumothorax treatment. | 26 | Number 3. December 2017 | 27 | ABsTrACT results: Demographic data between the groups was homogenous. Duration of drain presence was 4.08 vs. 3.8 days in respect to the groups. Statistically significant large amount of drain collection was found in the OT group (604.1 ml vs. 391 ml). Length of hospital stay was statis- tically longer in group OT (p=0.02). Two patients had recurrent pneumothorax in VATS group. Conclusion: According to our study patients, who undergo VATS, postoperatively have lower amount of drain collections, have drain presence for less days, have less days spent in the hospital, but have increased recurrence rate. Even though our study has small number of patients included, it opens a door to larger study to confirm the results. | URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23729 | ISSN: | 2545-4366 |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles |
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