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Наслов: Analyzing the Cryptographic Properties of the Sets of Parastrophic Quasigroups of Order 4
Authors: Dimitrova, Vesna 
Trajcheska, Zlatka
Petkovska, Marija
Keywords: quasigroup, parastrophe, cryptography, algebraic immunity, nonlinearity, resiliency
Issue Date: 12-сеп-2013
Publisher: Springer, Heidelberg
Conference: International Conference on ICT Innovations
Abstract: Quasigroups are algebraic structures that are suitable for cryptographic use and their cryptographic properties are intriguing. Looking into these properties we can classify the quasigroups based on different criteria and sort out the ones with best attributes for encryption and resistance to attacks. The Boolean representations of quasigroups allow us to find out more about their cryptographic properties. Some of them are already examined and determined. In this research we will use some previous conclusions in order to find out more about the cryptographic properties of the sets of parastrophic quasigroups.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23879
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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