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Наслов: Some Generalizations Of Recursive Derivates of k-ary Operations
Authors: Mileva, Aleksandra 
Dimitrova, Vesna 
Keywords: Recursively t-differentiable quasigroups, k-ary operations
Issue Date: 7-авг-2018
Journal: Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Abstract: We present several results about recursive derivates of kary operations defined on finite set Q. They are generalizations of some binary cases given by Larionova-Cojocaru and Syrbu [7]. Also, we present several experimental results about recursive differentiability of ternary quasigroups of order 4. We also prove that the multiplication group of k-ary quasigroups obtained by recursive differentiability of a given k-ary quasigroup (Q, f) is a subgroup of the multiplication group of the (Q, f).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23898
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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