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Наслов: Preliminary technical studies for the connection of the two Pan-European Corridors in the district between Sopotnica and Meseista
Authors: Zafirovski, Zlatko 
Krakutovski, Zoran 
Gjosevski, Goran
Keywords: construction of railways, Investment costs, Pan-European Corridors, Corridor VIII, Corridor X, connection, railway track;
Issue Date: ное-2014
Publisher: Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures, 2014, №11 (26)
Journal: Construction of Unique Buildings and Structures
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to promote a solution for the connection of the two Pan-European Corridors i.e. the Corridor VIII and the Corridor X that go through the territory of Republic of Macedonia. Their single joining point is the city Skopje, and as a result we came to an idea to use their connection at another place. This connection is going to enable better railway traffic and circular motion over the rail in the country along with the uplift of the quality and service of transport in Macedonia. Moreover, we are taking about a single track section with normal width of the track section which connects both Pan-European Corridors in the district between Sopotnica and Meseista.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/2404
ISSN: ISSN 2304-6295
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Journal Articles

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