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Наслов: Viziunea Sfântului Iustin Popovici asupra omului ca chip (icoană) a lui Dumnezeu
Other Titles: Pr. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava (coord.), Studia Theologica Doctoralia, vol. IX, Cercetare și dialog teologic astăzi, Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2017
Authors: Micevski-Ignat Ilche
Keywords: St. Justin Popovich, image of God, mystery, icon, man, human person
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Editura Doxologia
Source: Ilche Micevski-Ignat, „Viziunea Sfântului Iustin Popovici asupra omului ca chip (icoană) a lui Dumnezeu”, во Pr. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava (coord.), Studia Theologica Doctoralia, vol. IX, Cercetare și dialog teologic astăzi, Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2017, стр. 427-441
Conference: Studia Theologica Doctoralia IX, Cercetare și dialog teologic astăzi, Mănăstirea Putna, 08-09 iunie 2017
Abstract: St. Justin Popovich, when talking about the image of God in man, refers to the creation of man in the image of the Holy Trinity, confirming thus the trinitarian character of the human person. The image of God in man is the supreme essence of the human being, the latter having been ment to be an unity, not just any but one full of mystery. The image of God helps man to become god by grace, to resemble his Archetype. The image of God helps man to look for the divine infinity, to long for God. This is why, man is such a great mystery. St. Justin Popovich tells us that Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the only absolute icon of God and of man. In Jesus Christ we find the true perfect image of man. The purpose of man, created in the image and likeness of God, is to become perfect as He is. In the theological view of St. Justin Popovich, Jesus Christ, our Savior, is „the only and ultimate criterion of man” because in Christ, man has found all his fulfilments.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24324
ISBN: 978-606-666-691-6
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Conference papers

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