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Наслов: Impact of working capital management on profitability of Macedonian industrial companies
Authors: Naumoski, Aleksandar 
Naumovska, Maja
Keywords: working capital management
cash conversion cycle
account receivables collection period
inventories conversion period
account payables payment period
Issue Date: 15-јул-2022
Publisher: “Victor Slăvescu” Centre for Financial and Monetary Research
Source: Naumoski, A., & Naumovska, M. (2022). “Impact of working capital management on profitability of Macedonian industrial companies”. Financial studies, 26(2), 18 – 38
Journal: Financial studies
Abstract: Efficient and effective working capital management is crucial given its impact on the company's profitability. The focus of the research in this paper is the impact of individual components of working capital on the profitability of industrial companies. The research was conducted on a sample of industrial companies listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange using their accounting data for a period covering ten years 2010 - 2019 by applying a panel regression analysis. We found that corporate profitability increases with increasing account receivable period, account payables payment period, company size, sales growth, and volatility in net operating profit. Additionally, profitability increases with decreasing in the cash conversion cycle and financial leverage. Inventories conversion period and fixed financial assets do not show a statistically significant relationship with the company profitability.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24399
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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