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Наслов: Data processing within ambient assisted living system
Authors: Dimitrievski, Ace
Savoska, Snezana
Chorbev, Ivan
Ristevski, Blagoj
Trajkovikj, Vladimir 
Issue Date: 2019
Conference: AIIT 2019
Abstract: The increased aging population, especially in Europe, together with the increasing financial expenses of providing medical care, create the need for novel systems to provide self-care and home-care. The rapid progress of mobile technologies, sensors, Internet of things, cloud and fog computing, provides the necessary infrastructure for such systems to be developed. This work describes a data processing within an ambient assisted living system. The data processing include data from both environmental sensors and body sensors, capable of following activities and taking care of humans living in a specific healthcare environment.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24536
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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