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Наслов: Lighting of the Working Space
Authors: Aleksandar, Radevski 
Karanakov, Bojan 
Papasterevski, Dimitar 
Issue Date: 26-окт-2022
Publisher: South East Europian Journal of Architecture and Design
Abstract: The primary subject of this research is defining the workspace through the impact of light and the size of openings through which light penetrates. In that sense, workplace is taken as a model that is researched and analyzed from the aspect of geometry and proportion. The workplace, being an elementary space in which human’s act, represents space which is continuously resided in for thelongest period of time throughout the day. For that reason, the natural light penetrating through the light openings, as well as the view from them on the outside world, is a crucial factor for the quality of space.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24739
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Architecture: Journal Articles

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