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Наслов: Web-based assessment tool for Teachers Digital Competency
Authors: Idrizi, Ermira
Kulakov, Andrea 
Filiposka, Sonja 
Trajkovikj, Vladmir
Keywords: Teachers digital competencies, Web-based assessment tool
Issue Date: 5-окт-2018
Publisher: “St Kliment Ohridski” University-Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies-Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
Conference: Proceedings/8 th International conference on applied internet and information technologies
Abstract: Even though there are several different frameworks and standards for proving the digital competencies expected from teachers, there is a need for a Web-based assessment tools that allow real, dependable and valid assessment of these competencies. This paper addresses the design challenges related to a software solution for selfand peer-assessment of teachers’ digital competencies. In this system the competencies are assessed by a teacher his/her-self or by her/his peers using the performance indicators that are based on the competency model for Teachers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25036
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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