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Наслов: Heading Towards a Global NATO: Piquing China?
Authors: Vankovska, Biljana 
Keywords: NATO, China, global security, Ukraine, militarization
Issue Date: 29-дек-2022
Publisher: Издательство «Наука сегодня»
Source: Vankovska, B. (2022). "Heading Towards a Global NATO: Piquing China?". Вопросы политологии 12(88), pp. 4239-4250.
Journal: Вопросы политологии
Series/Report no.: ВОПРОСЫ ПОЛИТОЛОГИИ;12(88), 2022
Abstract: The article aims to deconstruct the idea of “global NATO”, or multiple NATOs across the globe. For quite some time the North Atlantic Alliance had been spreading its reach, including political influence, military equipment, manpower, bases, intelligence, etc. mostly towards Russia’s borders – until it hit the wall. It is logical to assume that the Ukraine war has already been in the cards in Washington; yet it is hard to say if it was THE plan or just a possibility due to the West’s underrating Russia’s readiness to respond. After the Madrid summit, the key strategic question is how far to the east would (future) global NATO go. No matter how much the general public is focused on the developments in Ukraine and their (un)intended damages (in terms of economic recession, inflation, energy crisis, etc.) on the collective West, that war is just a prelude to a more important clash – in Asia-Pacific, and probably on a global scale. The (next) key rival is China, i.e. the power that has factual potential to be not only a superior economic giant but also a power that may actively reshape the new international order.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25302
DOI: 10.35775/PSI.2022.88.12.018
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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