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Наслов: Црковните прилики во Охридската епархија во втората половина на XIX век
Authors: Nedeski, Viktor
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Завод за заштита на спомениците на култура и музеј - Струмица
Source: „Црковните прилики во Охридската епархија во втората половина на XIX век“, Зборник на трудови: 70 години Завод и музеј-Струмица, Струмица 2022, 101-109
Conference: 70 години Завод и музеј-Струмица
Abstract: The second half of the 19th century is a particularly turbulent period in the history of the Ohrid Diocese. As a key event of this period should be singled out the strong struggle of the indigenous population for church independence, inspired by the memories of the once glorious Ohrid Archbishopric. This long and arduous process began with the revolt against the foreign immature bishopric imposed by the Patriarchate and the partial success achieved by obtaining a people’s bishop in the person of Exarchate Metropolitan Nathaniel Kucevishki and his successors, who with the exception of Gregorius, were from Macedonia. However, the popular struggle of the indigenous Macedonian population in the Ohrid Diocese did not stop here, but continued further, overcoming the new challenges. One of these challenges was the Serbian pro paganda, which will not have much success in the Ohrid Diocese, whose population will remain for the most part under the jurisdiction of the Exarchate until the Balkan Wars. All these turbulent processes from the second half of the XIX century, led to the maturation of the Macedonian self-awareness of the population in the Ohrid Diocese, which in the following century continued its struggle for even more intense spiritual and national independence.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25404
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Conference papers

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