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Наслов: Asian Tiger Mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) (Diptera: Culicidae) Overwintering in Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia
Authors: Igor Pajovic
Mihaela Kavran
Kristina Atanasova
Cvetkovikj, Aleksandar 
Keywords: Asian tiger mosquito, surveillance, winter period, Balkan
Issue Date: дек-2022
Publisher: Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
Journal: Acta Zoologica Bulgarica
Abstract: We confirmed occasions of outdoor reproductive activity of Aedes albopictus during the winter period in three Balkan countries. The main question was how long females of Ae. albopictus can stay active deposing overwintering eggs? In Podgorica (Montenegro), eggs were collected until 20th December; afterwards, no eggs were found until 28th March when the new season started. In Skopje (North Macedonia), eggs were observed until 22nd November; the activity in the new season started on 26th April. In Novi Sad (Serbia), eggs were found until 6th December; surprisingly, during wintertime, oviposition activity was observed at the end of December and during February. In the new season, the activity started on the 7th of June. During the winter period, we did not find any larvae in the ovitraps, and we were not able to hatch them in the laboratory from collected eggs. We conclude that long-lived females (belonging to the last seasonal generation) continue their activity during wintertime when favourable microclimate is available. Considering results and climate change predictions, surveillance should be planned during the whole year, at least in South European countries.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25431
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Journal Articles

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