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Наслов: Algorithms for Process Mining – An Overview
Authors: Nikoloska, Sandra
Sazdova, Biljana
Mircheva, Georgina 
Keywords: process mining, business process, business process intelligence
Issue Date: 2022
Conference: The 19th International Conference on Informatics and Information Technologies – CIIT 2022
Abstract: Process mining is a research area that provides an opportunity to utilize the gathered data about business processes that occur in organizations in order to provide improved business process models. That could be made by using process mining algorithms that analyze the event logs data from the business processes. Different research groups have proposed various algorithms for process mining by employing different approaches. This paper gives an introduction in the area of process mining, as well as an overview of the algorithms used within process mining, by describing how they work and how they are applied.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25709
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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