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Наслов: Tobacco Farming and the Effects of Tobacco Subsidies in North Macedonia
Authors: Mijovic Hristovska, Bojana
Mijovic Spasova, Tamara
Trpkova-Nestorovska, Marija 
Tashevska, Biljana 
Trenovski, Borce 
Kozheski, Kristijan 
Issue Date: мар-2022
Publisher: Analytica | Thinking Laboratory
Abstract: This Report was written by Analytica in North Macedonia. The report discusses the economics of tobacco subsidies in North Macedonia. Tobacco subsidies comprise a quarter of the total agricultural subsidies in the country, which is a disproportionate amount of funding. Even with these substantial subsidies, tobacco growing is decreasing and the income it produces is lower than needed to sustain a household. Food imports in the country are increasing, including expensive processed foods, leading to a large and growing trade deficit in agricultural and food products. Furthermore, as a candidate country for EU membership, North Macedonia will need to phase out tobacco-specific subsidies in order to comply with the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The report concludes by recommending ways in which the country can shift its agricultural subsidies to improve productivity and efficiency in the future.
Опис: This report is prepared in cooperation with the University of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) Institute for Health Research and Policy to conduct economic research on tobacco taxation in North Macedonia. UIC is a partner of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25818
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 07. Monographs / Монографии

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